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What is animal communication?It is information conveyed on a mind-to-mind level. It’s a mental energy that transcends linear time, location, language, and distance. My assumption is that I'm accessing a different part of my brain than the general public does with theirs. I prefer not to use the phrase “pet psychic” in my practice, because to me that could imply someone who predicts the future, and I don’t do that — I work with what is pertinent to right now.
How does animal communication work?I function as a conduit, an information receiver. I was naturally born with my gifts, but I've spent almost three decades developing the specific skills needed to do effective work for my clients. I go into a deep meditation and then it’s like meeting with an animal over Zoom — although it is more multi-sensory than that. Over the course of a session, there is a conversation with direct questions, and the animal’s answers and feelings come back to me in a number of ways: a flowing conversation of pictures (clairvoyance), words, phrases and sounds (clairaudience), general feelings (clairsentience), and sometimes even smells. I am also medically empathic and I experience their body from the inside out, the way they do. So in the case of pain, physical illness, stress, depression, etc. I feel it quite distinctly in my body — I am guided to discomfort in a particular place, and I can feel the degree of severity in order to help you better understand what it feels like to your pet. I also see things inside the pet's body. The info I receive in my body is very vivid, and it helps me to provide specific information to my clients in order to round out their understanding of what their pet is going through. And though I may get messages regarding the origin of the problem, I always remind you that you should go by your vet's data.
How do you differ from other animal communicators?There are significant things that set me apart from the way others work; here are the biggest ones: I do not do my pet sessions "live" with you over the phone — in my experience, that way of working wastes 50% of the time due to "translating" what was just said or shown to me by the pet. It also creates interruptions in the download of information because the pet has to be put on "hold" while that happens. And in some cases, the presence of a client during the session ( if they are stressed about their pet, for instance) can affect what comes through. My way of working is more efficient and thorough, allowing me to go broader, deeper, and further for you. The vast majority of animal communicators are not medically intuitive. My gifts in this area are a clear advantage — even when working on strictly behavioral cases — because as we all know, our emotions can and do affect our bodies. Since I work with many aging animals, the extra perspective I can give you regarding their health matters becomes even more vital to helping them live their best lives. My original background in training to be a therapist taught me specific techniques for the ways I work with your pet, the kinds of questions I ask them, and therefore the info I'm able to uncover for you. I also include energy healings as part of my pet sessions, in order to jump-start progress. I offer more overall support for you and your pet, which I explain in my Discovery Session.
How do you trust the information you’re getting?Experience gained through 27 years of doing this work has taught me to trust it. Most often, people tell me “that feels really right— how did you KNOW that?” Another reason is that I couldn’t be effective if I got hung up on being right, or having every answer...I simply get out of the way and let the information come through — whatever it is — because it’s really coming from a divine place, and I’m merely a receiver. My job is to have no judgements about the information that comes through, and to convey that honestly to my clients. What they then do with that information — the decisions they make about their pet — is entirely up to them.
How do you know it’s actually MY pet you are connecting with?When people ask me this question, it can be because they don't fully understand the process, they feel uncertain about using an alternative method, or because they’ve previously had an unhappy experience with an intuitive practitioner. In doing this work, I’ve never had an experience where I spoke with the wrong animal. My explanation for this is that I am contacting their unique "soul essence" — which each one of us has. So it is like I’m “calling on their private line” and they are the only one answering. Higher Intelligence/Spirit (or whatever you choose to call it in your personal beliefs) wants me to be of service, so it stands to reason that it would not send me to the wrong animal. If someone is feeling insecure about the process, or feels I need to "prove" certain things to them, we should not work together, because that could very likely cause the flow of information — which needs to come through in an unimpeded way— to shut down.
Do you have to be physically present to work with my animal(s)?No. All of the work I do is remote; you don't need to be in any particular place during my client meetings, and your pet doesn't need to be doing anything special during my session with them either. Because this is communication on a mind-to-mind, spirit-to-spirit, energetic level, I can work no matter where you and your animal are. As an example, I have worked with pets worldwide, yet I do not speak Swedish or Portuguese. Pure thought and intention are “matter”, and science does tell us that matter is energy. Energy transcends all barriers, including language. You would have experienced this yourself if you’ve interacted with animals while traveling in foreign countries — you were actually understanding each other through mental pictures and general feelings, not because you knew how to speak “Dog”, “Poodle”, or French, right? We deal with many types of invisible energy every day without even thinking about it — for instance, the gravity that keeps us anchored to the earth is an invisible energy, yet it is obviously very strong. And I don't need to understand HOW it works to know that it DOES work.
Do my pet and I need to be in a particular place for phone calls/pet sessions?No. As described directly above, telepathic work transcends time and space.
Do you need me to provide a picture?I like to see at least one recent picture because I can pick up helpful information just by looking into their face, particularly their eyes. (Plus I love to see my clients!) Decently-lit photos where the eyes are not blackened out by shadows are best.
What if I’m skeptical?As previously outlined, skepticism shuts down the flow of information, and we don't want that. If for any reason you have lingering doubts about intuitive methods, we should not work together. I do my best work with people who are open and have reasonable expectations about what they might gain from the process, with the understanding that I am consultant, not a magician who can force something to happen. On the positive side, you've most likely sensed when something seems off with your pet. That’s the kind of mind-to-mind energy we’re talking about. Animals are incredibly sensitive and it’s just natural for them to pick up on our energies and also respond to them. They are most often “non-verbal” with each other because they have evolved to communicate with thoughts, feelings and intent. My brain happens to be naturally good at this too, plus I have spent many years honing my techniques. I’m able to tap into the right “frequency” for picking up this information. Another example is that we don’t need to fully understand how wi-fi does works — we just know and expect that it does. Do you NEED to know how wi-fi works in order to use it? No. So whatever that “animal wireless network” frequency is, I’m able to connect with it. Here’s what just two of my clients had to say about this topic: “Many people are skeptical because they don’t understand a gift like this. I will say this, as animal lovers, we all want the very best for our furry family members. The challenge we face is that we either guess or think we know what they need. To have someone connect with that animal at a very loving level — different than what we can, will change your animal’s life as well as yours for the better. My only advice is don’t wait until there’s a crisis.” — Heidi T. “I have recommended Ali to many friends and clients, for medical issues, behavioral issues, end-of-life issues — and just to improve their relationship with their animal companions. Some were too skeptical to try her services, but those who did quickly recognized her genuineness, and they benefited from the compassionate heart she extends to our animal friends...Her work with my animals has been life-changing.” — Anne H.
Are there any animals you won’t work with?Yes — try as I might, I have to admit that I have never liked or related to snakes, and I doubt I ever will. (No disrespect meant to the snakes...) My goal is to help as many animals as I possibly can in my one short lifetime. I really enjoy their individual personalities, and also the differences inherent in various species. I love working with domestic as well as wild animals — It’s endlessly interesting. In addition to cats, dogs, horses, birds, and rabbits, I've also worked with turtles, deer, whales, and a chimpanzee or two.
Are there any animals who refuse to be communicated with?It has only happened once in two decades. It was an extremely feral cat and I respected her wishes and left her alone. I adjust my questions and pace to what is comfortable and reassuring for the pet (much as you would with a human.) Because of my background and training in psychology and counseling, my years of experience doing this, and my naturally quick mind, I know how to alter my approach “on the fly” based on the personality I'm facing and/or the answers I’m getting. I have a really good ability to drill down on certain subjects, which enables me to uncover quite a lot of information for you. (This is especially useful when working with rescues, animals who have been through trauma, etc.) The vast majority of pets are really thrilled to be contacted and very much welcome the opportunity to communicate with a human intermediary. They have a lot they want to share with us — I’ve even had some that were so excited to communicate, I had to ask them to slow down a bit!
What can I expect from my first session?I am a "communication bridge" between you and your pet. As just a few examples, I might confirm what you already thought, discover things that you didn’t know, shed light (and provide solutions) for puzzling and frustrating situations, offer different ideas about other avenues for you to pursue, or help you connect emotionally on a new level. It helps to be open to whatever comes through and to not have any preconceived ideas about how a session should go. Keep in mind that I report the information exactly as it comes through. Each situation is different, but you will likely come away knowing much more about your pet than you did beforehand. Plus you will gain peace of mind from realizing what your pet is wanting and feeling, and knowing that you'll be doing everything you can for them. As I've previously described, my pet sessions are done separately; the results are discussed with you later on in a pre-arranged phone call. Depending on the circumstances, you might see immediate results or more gradual changes — it varies with each pet and their particular challenges. Though I am a natural problem-solver and am always seeking solutions for you, it helps to be realistic too — problems that have been there for months may not resolve in mere days, though we will certainly give it our best shot. AN IMPORTANT NOTE: One thing I cannot do is bend an animal to a human’s will, or guarantee a specific outcome — such as prevent a pet from dying if it is unfortunately their time. If you expect anyone — including your vet or any other type of practitioner — to guarantee you a certain result, that's unfortunately not realistic, and it will not help you to become angry or resentful about that.
How can I get the most out of working together?The best results are achieved when the pet parent is willing to "put in the work." There needs to be a commitment to make the recommended changes, to follow through on trying some new things, to exercise a bit of faith and patience — and in some cases, realistically look at one's own part in what is going on. (For instance, continuing to be too busy to give your anxious dog enough exercise, or a bored cat enough play and enrichment is not going to get you what you want — the problems will stay the same no matter who you choose to hire.) There are always practical changes we can make right away, and improvements that can often be seen relatively quickly. Fortunately, the vast majority of my clients are willing to "go the extra mile" for their pets, and I'm grateful for that because the point of my work is for everyone — pet and human — to end up happier.
What are your hours?I keep normal business hours M–F and am not available for work at night or on the weekends. During the week, requests for Discovery Sessions are typically answered that day, or first thing the next morning (depending on when they come in.) Emails that arrive on weekends are answered on Mondays. I respond as quickly as I'm able to; keep in mind that I am on PST, so depending on your location, there may be a time difference that adds to the turnaround times of responses.
Do you work with emergency cases?I reserve a limited amount of time every week for emergency cases; this can vary depending on the caseload, and is not a guarantee of service — though I'll do my best to accommodate your emergency situation. Extra fees may apply. Though many emergencies cannot be helped, the best thing you can do overall for both you and your pet is to plan ahead wherever possible. For instance, it is typical for people to watch and wait for a period of time, hoping things will resolve on their own. If there has been an ongoing or escalating problem with your pet — or merely a stalling of either answers or progress — it is much better to book a Discovery Session with me sooner rather than later. Planning ahead before something turns into an actual crisis is the best way to avoid the stress (and high medical bills) that come with having to rush your pet to a strange ER, plus the additional pressure of having to make on-the-spot decisions.
Can you help me with a pet who has passed away?Definitely, and it doesn’t matter how long they have been gone from their “physical form.” The sessions I do with pets who have passed away are usually some of the most profound sessions I do. The conversations are really no different than the ones who are still alive, except that there is often some real wisdom that seems to be gained from their new perspective. See the Services section for some specifics. It can be very helpful for the animal as well as the human friends they have left behind: to tie up loose ends, answer previously unanswered questions, help with your grief, lessen any guilt, and provide peace of mind for you.
What are typical costs for your work?I do not approach animal communication as a one-size-fits-all solution, charging my time on an hourly basis the way most others do. Each situation is completely different, and what I care about is what will be most helpful for you and your pet. Our Discovery Session helps me understand the work needed, and to prepare me for a more efficient and productive pet session. At the end of our Discovery consult, I'm able to determine all fees for you, as well as timelines. You'll know all costs up-front and there will be no hidden surprises. My fees are generally similar to what other skilled communicators charge, but my services are broader and more comprehensive, with customized support provided to each client. It is truly a good value — far more than you would get from the typical "phone reading" you might have experienced in the past. See the Fees and Costs section by scrolling down the Process page — it will give you a better idea of why blind quotes are not possible, and what factors into arriving at costs.
Do you abide by a code of ethics?There is no official code of conduct for my industry. These are my abiding personal ethics: Honesty: To tell my clients exactly what their pet conveys, and to make recommendations for changes based on that information. (This might be different from what a client wants or expects to hear.) Sensitivity: To approach my job with confidentially, compassion, and tact, particularly when speaking about difficult subjects. Advocacy: In all possible ways, for the ultimate well-being of the pet — and my clients. Healing: Whenever possible, to effect positive, lasting changes in mental and physical well-being. (In terminal cases, there is only so much that can be done, but we will do all that we can.) Education: To serve as a knowledge base that reinforces the work we do together. Support: To be a trusted ally and committed problem-solver. Teamwork: To complement my clients' regular veterinary care.
ELEVEN WAYS animal communication can provide resolution
and peace of mind. These are just of few real-life examples from
my experiences as an intuitive communicator!
To learn more, call 206-755-8152 to book your complimentary Discovery Session.
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